Sunday, December 9, 2007

The New Nikon D3 - The Ultimate Wedding Camera

Well it's here - the camera I've been coveting ever since it was first announced back in August - the revolutionary new Nikon D3. It just arrived today & I can't wait to play with it & get accustomed to all it's new features. I think I'm the first one in Canberra, possibly the whole country, to get one! I had to order it directly from Japan as the Australian importer is only getting very small quantities in dribs & drabs & probably not until January even though the camera was officially released on Dec 1.

This new camera has an entirely new auto-focus system & extraordinary high ISO capabilities that will really enhance our ability to get fantastic shots in low light situations such as the getting ready shots & dark churches. I hate using flash & generally only use it if absolutely necessary as natural light is usually so much nicer. With this new camera I will virtually be able to throw my flashes away.... Yay!!! The camera is also amazingly fast & responsive - with the ability to shoot up to 11 frames per second we won't miss a moment of your wedding day action. This fits in really nicely with how I like to shoot weddings - a sort of combination of portraiture & sports photography; rather than being glued to a stiff tripod & getting static poses, I love to move around quickly and also get my bride & groom active & moving to create something more dynamic.

We also invested in Nikon's stunning new 24-70mm f/2.8 lens - a beautiful piece of glass & engineering. After these two purchases my bank balance is feeling $10,000 lighter, but as promised in our marketing, Fusion will always be at the forefront of the latest technology to make sure you get state-of-the-art quality. Oh, and did I mention the other reason - that I'm a total gadget freak!!! :-)

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